fredag 5 oktober 2007

Couldn't someone simply take me aside?

Efter att ha grejat med Judith Butlers teorier i ungefär tvåhundra år borde jag vara lite trött på det. Men idag, när jag läste om förordet till Bodies that Matter - on the discursive limits of "sex" fnissade jag lite. Hon är ganska ironiskt rolig ibland. Och grym, såklart. Man känner igen sig ganska rejält, ändå.

"'What about the materiality of the body?' Actually, in the recent past, the question was repeatedly formulated to med this way: 'What about the materiality of the body, Judy? I took it that in the addition of 'Judy' was an effort to dislodge me from the more formal 'Judith' and to recall me to a bodily life that could not be theorized away. There was a certain exasperation in the delivery of that final diminutive, a certain patronizing quality which (re)constructed me as an unruly child, one who needed to be brought to task [...] perhaps someone forgot to teach me 'the facts of life'? Was I lost to my own imaginary musings as that vital conversation was taking place? And if I persisted in this notion that bodies were in some way constructed, perhaps I really thought that words alone had the power to craft bodies from their own linguistic substance?
Couldn't someone simply take me aside?"

Oh just ja, såg en hemsk artikel idag om plastkassar. Usch vad mycket plastkassar man får hela tiden, utan att behöva det. Man måste sluta använda plastkassar omedelbart! Det är ju jätteonödigt, så har man en miljon påsar hemma sen. Nej, det går inte för sig.

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